Last updated: 1/1/2024
We uses cookies on maidinspain.shop
By using the Service, you consent to the use of cookies.
Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies.
What are cookies
Cookies are small pieces of text sent by your web browser by a website you visit. A cookie file is stored in your web browser and allows the Service or a third party
to recognize you and make your
next visit easier and the Service more useful to you.
Cookies can be "persistent" or "session" cookies.
How maidinspain.shop uses cookies.
When you use and access the Service, we may place a number of cookies files in your web browser. We use cookies for the following purposes: to enable certain functions of the Service, to provide analytics, to store your preferences, to enable advertisements delivery, including behavioral advertising.We use both session and persistent cookies on the Service and we use different types of cookies to run the Service:
Third party cookies In addition to our own cookies, we may also use various third parties cookies to report usage
statistics of the Service, deliver advertisements on and through the Service, and so on.
El sitio web
Todos los materiales, incluidas imĆ”genes, ilustraciones, diseƱos, diseƱo del sitio, fotografĆas, textos escritos y otros textos o guiones que forman parte de este sitio, son propiedad de MaidinSpain, estĆ”n controlados por ellos o tienen licencia para ello. Cualquier uso de este sitio web o su contenido, incluida su copia o almacenamiento, parcial o total, que no sea para su uso personal, legal y no comercial, estĆ” prohibido sin permiso previo. No puede reproducir, publicar, transmitir, realizar pĆŗblicamente, distribuir, mostrar, modificar, adaptar, agrupar, alterar, crear trabajos derivados del sitio, vender o participar en ninguna venta o explotar de ninguna manera cualquiera de los contenidos, el sitio, o cualquier software relacionado en su totalidad o en parte sin nuestro previo escrito expreso permiso.
Tarjetas de crƩdito/dƩbito
Pagos sin conexiĆ³n